Za vrsnog hrvatskog dokumentarista Nenada Puhovskog svi su čuli, no koliko je zapravo ljudi pogledalo njegove filmove? Program Tuškanca od prvog do četvrtog prosinca zato pruža svim ljubiteljima dokumentaraca, filmske umjetnosti, socijalne angažiranosti i atmosfere starog kina da pogledaju odabrane filmove Nenada Puhovskog. Pri tome oni poput mene mogu nadoknaditi propušteno, a oni koji kontinuirano prate rad Nenada Puhovskog prisjetiti se njegovih ponajboljih radova. Na programu tzv. autorskih večeri su filmovi iz sedamdesetih, osamdesetih, devedesetih i novog milenija. Prve večeri retrospektive prikazana su dva filma iz Puhovskovih mlađih dana: studentski rad „Činča“ i kontroverzni rad nastao nekoliko godina kasnije, „Mrtva luka“. Oba filma u crno-bijelom, s karakterističnim pristupom znatiželjnog mladog režisera, a toliko zapravo različita. Prvi priča priču o djevojci koju „svi smatraju čudnom“, a istodobno je svi poznaju i na neki „čudan“ način vole. Drugi je pak obavijen sumornim oblakom odbačenosti, a prikazuje ljude iz Prihvatilišta za odrasle osobe u Bidružici. Njihove priče rastužuju, a zbog same tematike i načina prikaza situacije, film nije bio javno prikazivan sve do 1991. godine.
Cijeli govor možete poslušati ovdje, a nadam se da će vas ponukati da se i sami uputite do Tuškanca ovih dana i uđete u dokumentaristički svijet Nenada Puhovskog.
Everybody have heard about an excellent Croatian documentarist Nenad Puhovski, but how many people actually have watched his movies? Program of Tuškanac cinema from first to fourth December offers to all lovers of documentaries, film art, social engagement and the atmosphere of the old cinema to watch selected movies by Nenad Puhovski. In doing so, those like me can catch up, and those who continually follow up work of Nenad Puhovski can recall his best pieces. On the program are films from the seventies, eighties, nineties and new millennium. The first evening presents two films from Puhovski’s younger days: student work "Činča" and the controversial work which came several years later, "Still port”. Both films are black and white, with a characteristic approach of the curious young filmmaker, and in fact so different. The first story is about the girl that "all considered strange”, but at the same time everybody knows her and love her in some “strange way”. The second film is enveloped by a cloud of abandonment, and shows the people of Shelters for adults in Bidružica. Their stories make people sad, and because the themes and how the situation is presented, the film was publicly screened fifteen years later.
About his student film Nenad Puhovski says: "Like many students, I didn’t want to do a documentary. I wanted to do a feature movie. At the end, Ante Babaja convinced me, in his special way, that I should do a documentary.” Both films were more than learning experience, especially when we consider that these were the years in which he started to develop as a documentarian. "From these movies, I learned two important things for me, which I later tried to implement in some other films. Through the first film I've learned that people can be loved by the movie. It seems very important, and I try to give this attitude to my students. Through the second film I have learned that we need to fight for people who can not do it alone, for people from the margins, for those who are underprivileged.”, he said before the screening of films.
You can hear the whole speech here, and I hope it will prompt you to go to Tuškanac these days and enter the world of documentary by Nenad Puhovski.
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