Svi koji su od 2. do 4. prosinca posjetili kino Europa a nisu gledali film, zacijelo su bili na prvom katu i iskoristili mogućnost kupovine glazbenih izdanja po „studentskim“ cijenama. A za to čak i nisu morali biti studenti. Veliki glazbeni outlet i ove je godine privukao tisuće ljudi željnih kvalitetne i ujedno pristupačne glazbe. Na glazbenom outletu tako se moglo naći sve- od svih vrsta rock glazbe, uključujući ponajbolja imena poput Brucea Springsteena, Boba Dylana, Johnnyja Casha, Coldplaya, Led Zeppelina i tako dalje, preko razne vrste domaće glazbe (Oliver Dragojević, Magazin, Gibonni, Vesna Pisarović, Nina Badrić)pa do raznolikih reggae, rap, ska, rock'n'roll i sličnih kompilacija.
Najjeftiniji nosači zvuka koštali su nevjerojatno skromnih deset kuna, dok se za poznatija imena i CD setove izdvajalo po pedesetak kuna. Izlagači su bile izdavačke kuće Aquarius Records, Dancing Bear i Menart. Sudeći po riječima jednog od prodavača, akcija je bila i više nego uspješna. „Ja mislim da je par tisuća ljudi prošlo samo danas, a ovo je već treći dan. Stvarno je puno ljudi iskoristilo priliku što je glazba jako povoljna i dostupna.“, kazao je prodavač Josip, pomalo iscrpljen od cjelodnevnog stajanja, ali očigledno zadovoljan odazivom.
Akcija je bila vremenski i lokacijski smještena baš onako kako treba- u centru grada na početku prosinca, kada nije ni prerano ni prekasno za kupnju blagdanskih darova. Dobra strategija, na zadovoljstvo i organizatora i kupaca.
All that people who visited Cinema Europa from 2nd to 4th December and didn't watch a movie, surely were on the first floor and take advantage to purchase music editions by the "student" prices. And they even did not have to be students. This year musical outlet attracted thousands of people who want both quality and affordable music. They could find everything- from all types of rock music, including the best names like Bruce Springsteen, Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash, Coldplay, Led Zeppelin and so on, through various kinds of Croatian music (Oliver, Magazin, Gibonni, Vesna Pisarović, Nina Badrić), to various reggae, rap, ska, rock'n'roll, and similar compilations.
The cheapest CDs costed incredibly modest ten kunas, while the better known names and CD sets costed fifty kunas. Exhibitors were publishing houses Aquarius Records, Dancing Bear and Menart. Judging by the words of one of the sellers, the action was more than successful. "I think here was a couple of thousand people only today, and this is already the third day. Really a lot of people have used the opportunity as the music is very cheap and accessible.“, said the seller Josip, a bit exhausted from standing all day, but obviously pleased with the response.
The action was time and location-situated just as it should be- in the city center at the beginning of December, when it is not too early nor too late to buy holiday gifts. Good strategy makes organizers and customers satisfied.
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