Umjetnost je trijumf nad kaosom.
Art is the triumph over chaos.
John Cheever

srijeda, 29. prosinca 2010.


     Oni koji posjećuju ovaj sajam iz godine u godinu navikli su na miomirise svježe pečenih štrukli, dimljenog mesa, dobro odležanog sira i pripravaka od hrvatskih biljaka. Tu i tamo zastali bi nad radovima kakve kumice koja pravi čipku ili drvodjelca koji izrađuje mužare i daske za rezanje u starinskom štihu. Možda bi pomislili: „Hm, vrlo zgodno!“, a možda i: „Lijepo, no ne trebaju mi suveniri. Ajme, što miriše vratina!“.
posjetnica udruge "Zlatne ruke"
     Ove zime, pod šatorom nasuprot Glavnog kolodvora, osvrnite se malo i na ono izvan gastroponude. Kao predstavnica udruge čuvara i izrađivača narodnog ruha „Zlatne ruke“, gospođa Marica Kurtak zauzela je poziciju blizu ulaza u šator. Šarenilo nakita i tradicionalnih detalja koje izrađuje lako upada u žensko oko. Saznala sam da gospođa Marica i njena udruga djeluju u malenom naselju Dolina u blizini Nove Gradiške. Članice udruge nastoje prikupiti što je više moguće narodnog ruha i ostalih predmeta, te ih tako očuvati od zaborava. Još jedan način očuvanja od zaborava je upravo i izrada tardicionalne odjeće, nakita i ostalih modnih detalja poput rukavica, kapa, torbi i remenja. Članice koriste tehnike koje pomalo i izumiru, a nije im ni strana izrada stolnjaka, posteljine i sličnih uporabnih predmeta. Upornost u korištenju zahtjevnih tehnika i kreativnost ovih gospođa zbilja pokazuju njihove zlatne ruke.
Suzana Strancarić iz Udruge "Trlica"
     Na još jedan od rijetkih štandova s umjetničkim izlošcima nabasala sam između hrpe sireva, domaćeg sušenog voća i keksića s marmeladom. Ovaj je pak pripadao udruzi „Trlica“. Članica udruge, Suzana Strancarić, pokazala mi je nakit prilično komplicirane izrade. U udruzi nastoje sačuvati i oživjeti kulturnu baštinu i prenijeti je mlađim naraštajima. Za ovakve rukotvorine će se sigurno naći mlade kandidatkinje koje ih neće poželjeti samo nositi, već i izrađivati.
suveniri od bračkog kamena
     Pri izlasku iz šatora za oko su mi zapeli i suveniri od bračkog kamena. Posebna čar umjetnina od kamena je u njihovoj čvrstoći, trajnosti i postojanosti. Takvi su se doimali i suveniri koje izrađuje Denis Radić iz Splita. Uz ovakve autohtone umjetnine, ne treba se bojati da Hrvatska nema što ponuditi. Samo treba poraditi na promidžbi.


     Those who visit this fair from year to year are used on the scents of the freshly baked pie, smoked meat, good mellow cheese and preparations made of Croatian plants. Now and then they would stop to take a look at the work of some old lady who makes lace or carpenter who makes mortars and cutting boards with the antique charm. They might have thought: "Hmm, very nice!". And perhaps "It's nice, but I don’t need souvenirs. Wow, what a wonderful smell of dry loin!".
hand-made vest from "Golden hands"

     This winter, in a tent opposite of the main train station, look at the things beside food variety. As a representative of the association of keepers and makers of traditional costumes "Golden hands", Mrs Maria Kurtak has taken a position near the entrance to the tent. Colorful jewelry and traditional details easily make you stucked around. I learned that Mrs. Marica and her associations operate in a small village Dolina (Valley)near the Nova Gradiska. Members of the association are trying to collect as much as possible national costumes and other things, and so preserve them from oblivion. Another way of preserving them from oblivion is exactly the production of clothing, jewelry and other fashion accessories such as gloves, hats, bags and belts. Members use the techniques that are almost extinct. They also make tableclothes, linen and similar decorative items. Persistence in the use of challenging techniques and creativity of these ladies really show their golden hands.
string art from "Trlica"

     I stumbled  on another one of the few stalls with art exhibits between piles of cheese, dried fruit and homemade cookies with jam. This one belonged to the association "Swingle". A member of the association, Suzana Strancarić, showed me the jewelry of the quite complicated construction. The association tried to preserve and revive cultural heritage and transmit it to younger generations. For these handicrafts they will surely find the young candidates that will not only want to wear, but also create it.

     When I was leaving the tent for I noticed souvenirs made of stone from the Brač (very well known Croatian island). The special charm of the stone art pieces is in their strength, durability and stability. These souvenirs made by Denis Radić from Split appeared to be just like that. With indigenous works of art like these, we should not be afraid that Croatia has nothing to offer. Just need to work on publicity.

utorak, 28. prosinca 2010.


Mozaik kniga organizirao je veliki božićni sajam knjiga koji je uvelike olakšao kupovinu božićnih poklona mnogim građanima. I ne samo to. Popunjavanje kućne biblioteke kvalitenim naslovima, nabavka dugo željene knjige po povoljnoj cijeni, poticanje mladih koji nemaju velik džeparac na kupovanje i konzumiranje štiva- sve su to razlozi zbog kojih je Tvornicu kulture svaki dan od 19. do 22. prosinca posjetilo nekoliko tisuća ljudi.
     Cijene su bile nevjerojatne. Dječji romani mogli su se kupiti za svega nekoliko kuna, razne duhovne knjižice i knjižice sa stihovima za desetak, enciklopedijski svesci za dvadesetak. Romani za odrasle raznih književnih žanrova koštali su od deset do pedeset kuna, stručna literatura također nekoliko desetaka kuna. Za meni osobno omiljena izdanja Reader's Digesta, debela, korisna i sadržajna, trebalo je izdvojiti samo tridesetak kuna!
     Ovakvu priliku propustit će rijetko koja osoba. Sa zanimanjem sam pratila profil posjetitelja sajma. Isto kao i na Interliberu i sličnim sajmovima, bilo je tu djece i studenata, mladih parova, dobro odjevenih gospođa i umirovljenika. Knjiga je danas zaista dostupna svima. Pada li zbog toga vrijednost knjige? Ili se zapravo povećava? U ovom članku neću polemizirati o tome, ali zato Vas molim da glasate na anketi sa strane. Hvala!

     Book’s Mosaic organized the great Christmas book fair, which has greatly facilitated the purchase of Christmas presents to many citizens. And not only that. Completing the home library with quality-driven pieces, the acquisition of long-desired book at an affordable price, encouraging young people who do not have much pocket money on buying and consuming literature-these are all reasons why thousands people visited the Culture Factory each day from 19th to 22nd December.
     The prices were incredible. Children's novels could be purchased for only a few kunas, a variety of spiritual books and booklets with the lyrics for a dozen, and encyclopedic volumes for twenty. Novels for adults of various literary genres costed from ten to fifty kunas, technical literature almost the same. For my personal favorite issues of Reader's Digest people had to pay only thirty kunas! And you know Reader’s Digest’s books- thick, useful and content.
     This was the chance that rare person would miss. I observed the profile of the fair visitors. Same as the Interliber and similar exhibitions, there were children and students, young couples, well-dressed ladies and retirees. The book is now truly available to everyone. Does the value of the book fall down because of that? Or actually increases? In this article I will not argue about it, but I’m asking you to vote the poll on the right side. Thank you.

četvrtak, 16. prosinca 2010.


 Izgleda da je posljednjih nekoliko godina sve popularnije nabavljati takozvane „second-hand“ stvari, prvenstveno odjeću i modne detalje. I dok neki cijeli svoj život sakupljaju unikate i zaboravljene antikvitete na Hreliću, Britancu i sličnim mjestima, drugi, osobito oni mlađi, tek otkrivaju da za malo novaca mogu obnoviti svoju garderobu ili kolekciju stripova Alana Forda.
     U nedjelju je održan sedmi po redu Buvljak u Galeriji Jogurt Autonomnog Kulturnog Centra Medika. Bila je to prilika za sve one koji su se htjeli riješiti stvari koje skupljaju prašinu kod kuće. Bila je to prilika i za one redovito obilaze ovakva događanja u potrazi za nečim potrebnim ili nepotrebnim, ali u svakom slučaju kvalitetnim i povoljnim. Bila je to prilika i za one koji se bave izradom predmeta svake vrste, a nemaju mjesto na kojem bi ih izložili i prodali. I naposlijetku, bila je to prilika i za mene, koja nisam posjetila prvih šest Buvljaka, da ga napokon posjetim i odlučim ih posjećivati i ubuduće.

     Iako kupoprodaja nije dugo trajala, od 12 do 16 sati, mnogi su bili zadovoljni kupljenim, odnosno prodanim. Uglavnom se to odnosilo na žensku populaciju, vjerojatno zato što djevojke imaju više mogućnosti za eksperimentiranje s modom. Kao posjetitelja me najviše impresionirala količina talenta upravo onih ljudi koji su došli prodavati svoje unikatne radove. Nakit, broševi, magnetići za hladnjak, pleteno donje rublje- cijela galerija stvari koje zaslužuju vlastitu malu izložbu. Na neki način ovaj buvljak to i 


     It seems that the last few years people increasingly buy so-called "second-hand" items, especially clothing and fashion accessory. And while some of those people collect uniques and forgotten antiques at the flea market, the British square and similar places, others, particularly younger ones, started to discover that for little money you can renew your wardrobe or collection of Alan Ford's comics. 
     The seventh flea market was held on Sunday at Yogurt Gallery in the Autonomous Cultural Centre Medika. It was an opportunity for all those who wanted to get rid of things that collect dust at home. It was an opportunity for those who regularly visit such events in search of something necessary or unnecessary, but in any case, good quality and cheap. It was an opportunity for those involved in producing items of all kinds, and have no place to be exhibited and sold. And finally, it was a chance for me, who haven't visited first six flea markets, to finally  visit it and decide to visit them in the future. 
     Although buying and selling did not last long, from 12 to 16 hours, many are satisfied with purchase, or sold. That mainly referred to the female population, probably because girls have more opportunities to experiment with fashion. I was impressed as a visitor with the amount of talents precisely those people who came to sell their unique works. Jewelry, brooches, magnets for the fridge, knitted underwear-whole gallery of things that deserve their own little exhibition. In some way this flea market is just it.

subota, 4. prosinca 2010.


     Svi koji su od 2. do 4. prosinca posjetili kino Europa a nisu gledali film, zacijelo su bili na prvom katu i iskoristili mogućnost kupovine glazbenih izdanja po „studentskim“ cijenama. A za to čak i nisu morali biti studenti. Veliki glazbeni outlet i ove je godine privukao tisuće ljudi željnih kvalitetne i ujedno pristupačne glazbe. Na glazbenom outletu tako se moglo naći sve- od svih vrsta rock glazbe, uključujući ponajbolja imena poput Brucea Springsteena, Boba Dylana, Johnnyja Casha, Coldplaya, Led Zeppelina i tako dalje, preko razne vrste domaće glazbe (Oliver Dragojević, Magazin, Gibonni, Vesna Pisarović, Nina Badrić)pa do raznolikih reggae, rap, ska, rock'n'roll i sličnih kompilacija.

     Najjeftiniji nosači zvuka koštali su nevjerojatno skromnih deset kuna, dok se za poznatija imena i CD setove izdvajalo po pedesetak kuna. Izlagači su bile izdavačke kuće Aquarius Records, Dancing Bear i Menart. Sudeći po riječima jednog od prodavača, akcija je bila i više nego uspješna. „Ja mislim da je par tisuća ljudi prošlo samo danas, a ovo je već treći dan. Stvarno je puno ljudi iskoristilo priliku što je glazba jako povoljna i dostupna.“, kazao je prodavač Josip, pomalo iscrpljen od cjelodnevnog stajanja, ali očigledno zadovoljan odazivom.
     Akcija je bila vremenski i lokacijski smještena baš onako kako treba- u centru grada na početku prosinca, kada nije ni prerano ni prekasno za kupnju blagdanskih darova. Dobra strategija, na zadovoljstvo i organizatora i kupaca.


     All that people who visited Cinema Europa from 2nd to 4th December and didn't watch a movie, surely were on the first floor and take advantage to purchase music editions by the "student" prices. And they even did not have to be students. This year musical outlet attracted thousands of people who want both quality and affordable music. They could find everything- from all types of rock music, including the best names like Bruce Springsteen, Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash, Coldplay, Led Zeppelin and so on, through various kinds of Croatian music (Oliver, Magazin, Gibonni, Vesna Pisarović, Nina Badrić), to various reggae, rap, ska, rock'n'roll, and similar compilations.
     The cheapest CDs costed incredibly modest ten kunas, while the better known names and CD sets costed fifty kunas. Exhibitors were publishing houses Aquarius Records, Dancing Bear and Menart. Judging by the words of one of the sellers, the action was more than successful. "I think here was a couple of thousand people only today, and this is already the third day. Really a lot of people have used the opportunity as the music is very cheap and accessible.“, said the seller Josip, a bit exhausted from standing all day, but obviously pleased with the response.
     The action was time and location-situated just as it should be- in the city center at the beginning of December, when it is not too early nor too late to buy holiday gifts. Good strategy makes organizers and customers satisfied.

petak, 3. prosinca 2010.


     Za vrsnog hrvatskog dokumentarista Nenada Puhovskog svi su čuli, no koliko je zapravo ljudi pogledalo njegove filmove? Program Tuškanca od prvog do četvrtog prosinca zato pruža svim ljubiteljima dokumentaraca, filmske umjetnosti, socijalne angažiranosti i atmosfere starog kina da pogledaju odabrane filmove Nenada Puhovskog. Pri tome oni poput mene mogu nadoknaditi propušteno, a oni koji kontinuirano prate rad Nenada Puhovskog prisjetiti se njegovih ponajboljih radova. Na programu tzv. autorskih večeri su filmovi iz sedamdesetih, osamdesetih, devedesetih i novog milenija. Prve večeri retrospektive prikazana su dva filma iz Puhovskovih mlađih dana: studentski rad „Činča“ i kontroverzni rad nastao nekoliko godina kasnije, „Mrtva luka“. Oba filma u crno-bijelom, s karakterističnim pristupom znatiželjnog mladog režisera, a toliko zapravo različita. Prvi priča priču o djevojci koju „svi smatraju čudnom“, a istodobno je svi poznaju i na neki „čudan“ način vole. Drugi je pak obavijen sumornim oblakom odbačenosti, a prikazuje ljude iz Prihvatilišta za odrasle osobe u Bidružici. Njihove priče rastužuju, a zbog same tematike i načina prikaza situacije, film nije bio javno prikazivan sve do 1991. godine.

     O svojem studentskom filmu Nenad Puhovski kaže: „Kao i mnogi studenti, nisam htio raditi dokumentarac. Htio sam raditi igrani film. Na kraju me Ante Babaja na jedan svoj način uvjerio da trebam raditi dokumentarac.“ Za Puhovskog su oba filma bila i više nego poučno iskustvo, osobito kad uzmemo u obzir da su to bile godine u kojima se tek počeo razvijati kao dokumentarist. „Iz ovih filmova naučio sam dvije za mene važne stvari koje sam kasnije pokušao realizirati u nekim drugim filmovima. Kroz ovaj prvi film sam naučio da se ljude može voljeti i filmom. To se čini jako važno i to pokušavam pokloniti studentima kao neki svoj stav. Kroz drugi film sam naučio da se treba boriti za ljude koji to ne mogu sami, za ljude s margine, za one koji su deprivilegirani.“, rekao je prije prikazivanja filmova.

     Cijeli govor možete poslušati ovdje, a nadam se da će vas ponukati da se i sami uputite do Tuškanca ovih dana i uđete u dokumentaristički svijet Nenada Puhovskog.


     Everybody have heard about an excellent Croatian documentarist Nenad Puhovski, but how many people actually have watched his movies? Program of Tuškanac cinema from first to fourth December offers to all lovers of documentaries, film art, social engagement and the atmosphere of the old cinema to watch selected movies by Nenad Puhovski. In doing so, those like me can catch up, and those who continually follow up work of Nenad Puhovski can recall his best pieces. On the program  are films from the seventies, eighties, nineties and new millennium. The first evening presents two films from Puhovski’s younger days: student work "Činča" and the controversial work which came several years later, "Still port”. Both films are black and white, with a characteristic approach of the curious young filmmaker, and in fact so different. The first story is about the girl that "all considered strange”, but at the same time everybody knows her and love her in some “strange way”. The second film is   enveloped by a cloud of abandonment, and shows the people of Shelters for adults in Bidružica. Their stories make people sad, and because the themes and how the situation is presented, the film was publicly screened fifteen years later.

     About his student film Nenad Puhovski says: "Like many students, I didn’t want to do a documentary. I wanted to do a feature movie. At the end, Ante Babaja convinced me, in his special way, that I should do a documentary.” Both films were  more than learning experience, especially when we consider that these were the years in which he started to develop as a documentarian. "From these movies, I learned two important things for me, which I later tried to implement in some other films. Through the first film I've learned that people can be loved by the movie. It seems very important, and I try to give this attitude to my students. Through the second film I have learned that we need to fight for people who can not do it alone, for people from the margins, for those who are underprivileged.”, he said before the screening of films.

     You can hear the whole speech here, and I hope it will prompt you to go to Tuškanac these days and enter the world of documentary by Nenad Puhovski.