Mozaik kniga organizirao je veliki božićni sajam knjiga koji je uvelike olakšao kupovinu božićnih poklona mnogim građanima. I ne samo to. Popunjavanje kućne biblioteke kvalitenim naslovima, nabavka dugo željene knjige po povoljnoj cijeni, poticanje mladih koji nemaju velik džeparac na kupovanje i konzumiranje štiva- sve su to razlozi zbog kojih je Tvornicu kulture svaki dan od 19. do 22. prosinca posjetilo nekoliko tisuća ljudi.
Cijene su bile nevjerojatne. Dječji romani mogli su se kupiti za svega nekoliko kuna, razne duhovne knjižice i knjižice sa stihovima za desetak, enciklopedijski svesci za dvadesetak. Romani za odrasle raznih književnih žanrova koštali su od deset do pedeset kuna, stručna literatura također nekoliko desetaka kuna. Za meni osobno omiljena izdanja Reader's Digesta, debela, korisna i sadržajna, trebalo je izdvojiti samo tridesetak kuna!
Ovakvu priliku propustit će rijetko koja osoba. Sa zanimanjem sam pratila profil posjetitelja sajma. Isto kao i na Interliberu i sličnim sajmovima, bilo je tu djece i studenata, mladih parova, dobro odjevenih gospođa i umirovljenika. Knjiga je danas zaista dostupna svima. Pada li zbog toga vrijednost knjige? Ili se zapravo povećava? U ovom članku neću polemizirati o tome, ali zato Vas molim da glasate na anketi sa strane. Hvala!
Book’s Mosaic organized the great Christmas book fair, which has greatly facilitated the purchase of Christmas presents to many citizens. And not only that. Completing the home library with quality-driven pieces, the acquisition of long-desired book at an affordable price, encouraging young people who do not have much pocket money on buying and consuming literature-these are all reasons why thousands people visited the Culture Factory each day from 19th to 22nd December. The prices were incredible. Children's novels could be purchased for only a few kunas, a variety of spiritual books and booklets with the lyrics for a dozen, and encyclopedic volumes for twenty. Novels for adults of various literary genres costed from ten to fifty kunas, technical literature almost the same. For my personal favorite issues of Reader's Digest people had to pay only thirty kunas! And you know Reader’s Digest’s books- thick, useful and content.
This was the chance that rare person would miss. I observed the profile of the fair visitors. Same as the Interliber and similar exhibitions, there were children and students, young couples, well-dressed ladies and retirees. The book is now truly available to everyone. Does the value of the book fall down because of that? Or actually increases? In this article I will not argue about it, but I’m asking you to vote the poll on the right side. Thank you.
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