Oni koji posjećuju ovaj sajam iz godine u godinu navikli su na miomirise svježe pečenih štrukli, dimljenog mesa, dobro odležanog sira i pripravaka od hrvatskih biljaka. Tu i tamo zastali bi nad radovima kakve kumice koja pravi čipku ili drvodjelca koji izrađuje mužare i daske za rezanje u starinskom štihu. Možda bi pomislili: „Hm, vrlo zgodno!“, a možda i: „Lijepo, no ne trebaju mi suveniri. Ajme, što miriše vratina!“.
posjetnica udruge "Zlatne ruke" |
Suzana Strancarić iz Udruge "Trlica" |
suveniri od bračkog kamena |
Those who visit this fair from year to year are used on the scents of the freshly baked pie, smoked meat, good mellow cheese and preparations made of Croatian plants. Now and then they would stop to take a look at the work of some old lady who makes lace or carpenter who makes mortars and cutting boards with the antique charm. They might have thought: "Hmm, very nice!". And perhaps "It's nice, but I don’t need souvenirs. Wow, what a wonderful smell of dry loin!".
hand-made vest from "Golden hands" |
This winter, in a tent opposite of the main train station, look at the things beside food variety. As a representative of the association of keepers and makers of traditional costumes "Golden hands", Mrs Maria Kurtak has taken a position near the entrance to the tent. Colorful jewelry and traditional details easily make you stucked around. I learned that Mrs. Marica and her associations operate in a small village Dolina (Valley)near the Nova Gradiska. Members of the association are trying to collect as much as possible national costumes and other things, and so preserve them from oblivion. Another way of preserving them from oblivion is exactly the production of clothing, jewelry and other fashion accessories such as gloves, hats, bags and belts. Members use the techniques that are almost extinct. They also make tableclothes, linen and similar decorative items. Persistence in the use of challenging techniques and creativity of these ladies really show their golden hands.
string art from "Trlica" |
I stumbled on another one of the few stalls with art exhibits between piles of cheese, dried fruit and homemade cookies with jam. This one belonged to the association "Swingle". A member of the association, Suzana Strancarić, showed me the jewelry of the quite complicated construction. The association tried to preserve and revive cultural heritage and transmit it to younger generations. For these handicrafts they will surely find the young candidates that will not only want to wear, but also create it.
When I was leaving the tent for I noticed souvenirs made of stone from the Brač (very well known Croatian island). The special charm of the stone art pieces is in their strength, durability and stability. These souvenirs made by Denis Radić from Split appeared to be just like that. With indigenous works of art like these, we should not be afraid that Croatia has nothing to offer. Just need to work on publicity.