Dugoočekivani cirkus napokon je stigao u Zagreb! Cirque du Soleil ili u prijevodu Sunčani cirkus donio je tračak sunca i veselja za sve one koji su odlučili posjetiti Arenu i uživati u predstavi koja se izvodi još od 1992. godine. Ime predstave, „Saltimbanco“ , označava uličnog performera, „onog koji skače na klupi“. S nekoliko prijatelja odgledala sam predstavu prvu večer gostovanja cirkusa i istinski uživala. Sve što sam čula o njemu bilo je da dolazi iz Kanade, da postoji od 1984. godine, i da je to najveći i „najekološkiji“ putujući cirkus na svijetu. Cirque du Soleil, naime, ne koristi životinje u svojim predstavama. Ono čime oduševljavaju publiku diljem svijeta su plesne točke, neuobičajene vještine, akrobacije, ples, humor i maštoviti unikatni kostimi.
Iako je fotografiranje i bilo kakvo snimanje bilo najstrože zabranjeno, nisam mogla uskratiti barem dijelić prekrasnih prizora čitateljima ovog bloga. Predstava „Saltimbanco“ sastavljena je od devet točaka. Oko pedeset izvođača porijeklom iz cijeloga svijeta izvodilo je naizmjence točke koje su mamile uzdahe oduševljenja i točke koje su mamile salve smijeha. Primjerice, nakon spektakla s trapezima, na red bi došao čovjek koji zvukovima, mimikom i gestama može odglumiti što god mu padne na pamet, i pri tom nasmijati publiku svih dobnih skupina. Svirka vlastitog benda i izvrsna pjevačica upotpunili su predstavu onako kako to rade pravi umjetnici. Jedino što se može zamjeriti je kratkoća trajanja predstave. Ipak, jedan sat i četrdeset pet minuta ne zvuči malo. Malo je bilo jedino onome kome je cijeli show prebrzo prošao. A to je i više nego dobar znak da je predstava zaista bila vrijedna gledanja i divljenja.
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Pogledaj tailer/ watch trailer
The long awaited circus has finally arrived to Zagreb! Cirque du Soleil or The Sun Circus in English has brought a ray of sunshine and joy to all those who have decided to visit the Arena Zagreb and enjoy the show which is running since 1992. Name of the show, "Saltimbanco", means a street performer, "the one who jumps on the bench". I watched the play with a few friends of mine the first evening of performers visitation and we all truly enjoyed. Everything I heard about Cirque du Soleil was that it comes from Canada, exists since 1984, and that it is the largest and the most „ecological“ traveling circus in the world. Cirque du Soleil, in fact, does not use animals in their performances. It delight audiences around the world with dance numbers, unusual skills, acrobatics, dance, humor and imaginative handmade costumes.
Although photograping and any recording were strictly forbidden, I had to show to the readers of this blog at least a fraction of beautiful scenes. The show "Saltimbanco" has nine parts. About fifty performers from all over the world alternate performed numbers that attracted the enthusiastic gasps and numbers that attracted the big laughter. For example, after the spectacle with trapezes, it was time for a the man whose sounds, mime and gestures can fake whatever come to his mind, and by that make audience of all ages laugh. Playing of their own band and a great vocalist completed the play as the real artists do. The only thing I can blame is the short duration of the show. However, one hour and forty five minutes doesn't sound too short. It was too short only for ones who forgot about the time during the show. And this is more than a good sign that the play was really worth watching and admiring.
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