Nakon dodjele nagrada mnogo je publike pljeskom ispratilo pobjednike te napustilo dvoranu, i tako propustilo pogledati zanimljivo ostvarenje u programu „Strano, a naše“, film „Circus Columbia“. Scenarij filma napisan je prema romanu Ivice Đikića, a režirao ga je Danis Tanović. Uz dozu romantike i humora, prikazana je stvarnost s kojom se susreću stanovnici Hercegovine, a koja označava korjenite promjene na cjelokupnom Balkanu. Odlično potretirani likovi i dočarana atmosfera ispresijecana spontanim pljeskovima publike bili su, oprostite mi na upotrebi klišeja, šlag na tortu svakog ljubitelja filmskih festivala.
Surely, festival openings are exciting, but who can argue that tense expectation of winner announcement is not even more thrilling, especially when it comes to “the seventh art”. Although the tickets were nowhere to be found, a resourceful journalist and film lover always finds a way to get the feel of the last film festival evening, even it means to sit on the floor of a side exit of the theatre.
Every so often a round of applause rocked the full Europa Cinema, and the loudest rounds of applause went to the winners of the Zlatna kolica award. “The Robber”, a film by Benjamin Heisenberg, was chosen as the best feature film. The film is based on a true story that took place in 1980-ies and portrays - in its distinctive way – a robber known for its rubber mask. The actress Franziska Weisz, who received the award, told us that during the shooting of this film as many as twenty children had been born to the families of the film crew, so receiving this award, she received their symbolic “21st child”.
Zlatna kolica for the best short film went to the Italian film “Rita”, directed by Antonio Piazza and Fabio Grassadonia. “Me, My Gypsy Family and Woody Allen“, directed by Laura Halilović won the award for the best documentary, while the best Croatian film in the “Kockice” programme was the thirty-minute long film titled “Then I see Tanja“.
After the awards were presented, a large part of the audience saw the winners out with applause and then left the theatre missing a very interesting work shown in the programme “Foreign, but ours“ – “Circus Columbia”, a film by Danis Tanović based on the novel by Ivica Đikić. With a pinch of romance and humour, the film shows a reality of people in Herzegovina and addresses radical changes that all of the Balkans are currently undergoing. Well-portrayed characters and a well-conjured atmosphere interrupted by spontaneous applauses were (now, you’ll have to excuse my use of a cliché) a cherry on top for every film festival lover.
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