Sama umjetnica vrlo je zanimljiva pojava, te svojim izgledom kao da označava pripadnost umjetničkim krugovima. Diplomirala je na Tekstilno-tehnološkom fakultetu te Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti, oboje u Zagrebu. Iza sebe ima dvadesetak skupnih i samostalnih izložbi, te jednu modnu reviju.
Izložba „Flourescentne formacije“ otvorena je do 10. prosinca.
Tuesday, 23 November, is the beginning of unusual exhibition of young artist Maja Cipek called "Fluorescent Formations”. A small gallery Modulor in the Cultural Center Trešnjevka gathered at the opening around forty interested. There was the murmur of good cheer, cameras were flashing, and the artist posed in front of her works. These works become visible only after they are lighting up with fluorescent lights. Maja Cipek used for these works only basic geometric shapes-rectangles. Their fusion of different sizes and positions creates the illusion of a cold forms that the audience often perceived as engines or machines. With the help of fluorescent lamps Maja’s panels become swaying flicker of rectangular shapes. She deprived these forms of colorism, using only a few colors, as long as necessary. The key to this series of works is that every individual experiences them differently, using their own perception and imagination. The author also plays with the limits of the visual field.
Artist’s look is also very interesting. Her appearance tells to us that she moves in artistic circles. She graduated from the Faculty of Textile Technology and the Academy of Fine Arts, both in Zagreb. He has two dozen group and solo exhibitions and a fashion show.
The exhibition "Fluorescent formations" is open until 10 December.
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